Hangman Game v1.0.1 by Quiver Inc.

Hangman Game v1.0.1 has been released. This update fixes a small issue where the game failed to confirm when a user had won the game (i.e. guessed all letters correctly). This version has addressed that issue and the game will now pop up and say “You’ve won!”.

ImageHangman Game was made using the C# programming language. You are welcome to download the game and try it out but please do not attempt to modify or redistribute the code. Also, please be aware that your computer will need to meet the following minimum system requirements:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or above.
  • A working internet connection (really!).

The internet connection is used to connect to an online feed containing over 900 words in a list. This feed is fed to the game and it randomly generates words from that list. Without a working internet connection the game won’t work and it will return an error to prevent it from entering a crash state. Why am I using an online feed you might ask? Well, the feed is updated with new words on a regular basis. By using an online feed in this way the game can be constantly fed with new words. It’s more efficient this way than using a local file.

Anyway, feel free to download and try out the game for yourself. I’m open for suggestions for new releases, which you can post as comments if you like. Also, please report any bugs you find as comments. This game has been thoroughly tested but I’m not perfect so if you find a bug then do let me know, thank you.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/siabc2ltl5w0aim/Hangman.zip